Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Few Items

These are just some things I have tried in the past. I was never a crafter as a youth.... or as an adult for that matter- until recently. After I got married and moved to Missouri I started scrapbooking and sewing with my in-laws. This first one is a quilt top I made for my sister and her family as part of their Christmas present. I bought a 50x60" fleece throw and put the quilt top on. I have collected fabric from auctions and grandma and whatnot, so it's kind of retro.I am still learning, be kind.

 Sorry for the bad pic's. These were also part of my sisters Christmas present. I was going for a home made theme, a new resolution I have. Anyhow, my sister said her children love puppets and this is what I came up with. Styrofoam ball, toe sock and googly eyes with some extras thrown in!(These were taken right after I finished-:) you can see my pile of fabric in the back.)

These pillows were one of my first projects! I like things that can be finished quickly, it gives you that boost of "I can finish projects, and look how cool they are!" So as I was having a hard time getting a full size quilt top finished I was discouraged. My niece made pillows in her class at school and I thought- here is a project I can do quickly and easily, get that boost and finish my quilt top in no time!Right? Wrong! I had no idea what I was doing. I saw a pattern for these adorable sunbonnet Sue and overall Bill and wanted to try them on my pillows. So I pieced together these squares, then made up  house, sun and moon squares to go along with them. Then I couldn't figure out a good way to make a pillow out of them! for two years!! Enter my friend from church a.k.a. *Expert Quilter. She saved my project, taught me a TON, and helped me finish my pillows so I could FINALLY give them to my mom and dad for Christmas.

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